Accessibility Tools

One of the three outcomes of this project was the development and implementation of a training course on inclusion for higher education staff. In Finland, 17 staff members participated in the four hour long online course on the topic of inclusion in higher education. The aim was to provide a robust conceptual baseline for developing, implementing and monitoring effective inclusive policies and practices in HEIs. As with several of the activities in the project, the course evaluation confirmed that:

  • There is a need for obligatory courses and continuous training on the topic of inclusive policies and practices for higher education staff.

  • It is important for higher education staff to have opportunities like this to meet and discuss the matter with colleagues. It is also important that there is enough time for group discussions.


This is highlighted in the following quote form a participant: 

“Talking with other participants and hearing their views was important. Some topics in the check-list, such as decision-making/policy-making or access to buildings, are not ones that I could necessarily influence in my own work, but it was important to hear about these as well. Increasing awareness is the key to change."


The course evaluation further revealed that the participants appreciated the course, the inclusive course leaders, and the practical approach to the topic. Some of the key takeaways of the participants include:

"I wish to be more sensitive, take different needs into account and act accordingly."

“To implement even more inclusivity in my work and to be aware of my own power and how I can use it for good."

"I will take some of the ideas into my curriculum design"

“Everything related to equity, inclusion, equality, etc. is always welcome. This topic never ends and always changes so continuous training is good."


For further development of professional development for higher education staff the participants expressed a wish for: a full course on inclusive teaching and curriculum design for teachers, separate courses for staff with different work roles, and learning about how to tackle situations when you see a change needing to take place but there is resistance by other colleagues.


Screenshot of Group 1’s inclusive practices they have experienced as students and/or as teachers


Finally, here is a quote from one of the participants to consider for everyone striving to make a change:

“Actually, it is not always about making big changes also small things can have a big effect"