Accessibility Tools

The InclusiveHE project has developed a framework to guide higher education institutions (HEI) across Europe and the globe in the adaptation of their policies, programmes, accessibility and learning spaces to encourage and enable the full participation of minoritized social groups in higher education. This framework of best practices, which is based on rigorous scientific methods, has the potential to redress some of the barriers marginalized social groups face regarding access, participation, and completion of higher education studies. The framework is divided into three main components of the Inclusive Higher Education framework: policies, practices, and accessibility. Each component consists of several categories with accompanying indicators of best practices. For instance, policies include a university level, regional level, and national level. 

Examples of indicators of inclusive university policies include:

  • Periodic policy reviews, audits, and monitoring;

  • Continuous development of strategies for inclusion;

  • Compulsory staff training;

  • Inclusive environments;

  • Technology for inclusion;

  • Networking and collaboration;

  • Liason office(r)

  • Target enrolment initiatives.


You can find more detailed practices for promoting each of these indicators, along with indicators for the other policy levels, practices, and accessibility in the interactive framework on the InclusiveHE website: