Accessibility Tools

Today advanced technology has greatly altered the way we access information and learn, imposing a reconsideration of the learning process.

New ways of approaching learning are now required, such as gamification. What exactly is gamification? It is the use of game-design elements and game principals in non-game contexts to make learning more engaging.

Gamification in learning involves using game-based elements, such as quizzes, point scoring, score tables or badges to help learners assimilate new information and test their knowledge. Self-teaching apps and courses use such elements, showing that the effects of gamification are not only confined to children.

Some of the benefits of gamification for learners are:

  • control and ownership over their learning
  • learning becomes visible through progress indicators
  • increased motivation levels
  • improved knowledge retention
  • better engagement

InclusiveHE MOOC is a self-paced course composed of 6 interactive learning modules with gamified characteristics, such as short quizzes and badges. Explore the modules here