University of Pitesti in Relation to Institutions Specialized in Inclusive Issues
The diagram of relations between the university structures, the document governing the interactivity of all structures in Romanian institution's organization chart, provides procedures for the management of student cases requiring inclusive measures of any kind, starting with their taking over from specialized institutions, continuing with their integration into the university environment and ending with their professional orientation at the end of their studies in higher education. The University of Pitesti permanently collaborates with other institutions in the socio-economic environment from Arges County, especially with institutions specialized in inclusive issues, being directly involved in activities with students with disabilities or coming from disadvantaged backgrounds, in particular from single-parent families, orphanages and socio-professional placement centres.
Inclusive Policies and Practices for the students enrolled in the first year of studies
The `ROSE` project (`ROmania SEcondary Education Project`), coordinated by the Romanian Ministry of National Education, was carried out at the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology of the University of Pitesti during the academic years 2019-2021. This was an integrated educational programme to support students enrolled in the first year of studies who were at risk of dropping out, mainly belonging to disadvantaged groups, with a view to increasing retention in the first year of university studies and ensuring a quality educational process. The project aimed at the academic and socio-professional integration of students, especially those with special needs for learning or disabilities, enabling them to better adapt in university environment and increase their pass on exams.
More information is posted on the media website of the University of Pitesti at ”Voi fi inginer!” Proiect ROSE al Facultății de Mecanică și Tehnologie a UPIT, pentru contracararea abandonului universitar - and Proiectul ROSE - Primii pași în FMT - , but also on the websites of the Romanian Ministry of National Education, and .
Inclusive Policies and Practices for the students enrolled in the last year of studies
`Activities and integrated measures to support students in the process of transition from school to labour market in conditions of non-discrimination and social inclusion` was a project financed by the European Social Fund through the Human Capital Operational Program (POCU) 2014-2020, coded POCU /90/6.13/6.14/106731. It was successfully implemented by the University of Pitesti in partnership with Arges County Business People's from 02.07.2018 until 29.02.2020. The general objective of the project was the development and implementation of integrated activities based on active partnership with representatives of the private sector from socio-economic sectors with competitive potential. The project aims to facilitate the insertion on the labour market of students enrolled in the national higher education system, under conditions of equity and non-discrimination. This aim was realized through professional counselling and orientation, practical training courses, integration and curriculum development, innovative ICT solutions, such as online communities of practice, and the promotion of dialogue with social partners, in order to improve the offer of training courses, integration and curricular development. The result of the project was the contribution to the development of human resources in the South-Muntenia region (a geographical subdivision of Romania including Arges County) through the training of practical skills for a number of 208 students enrolled in 8 undergraduate study programs within University of Pitesti, which determined the increase in employment in the area where the project is located.
More information is posted on the media website of the University of Pitesti at Anunț Public implementare proiect POCU (