The Inclusive Higher Education Database consists of 47 examples and information about inclusive policies and practices in higher education institutions in Europe.
Use it together with the assessment, reflection and analysis tools (e.g. the Checklist, Canvas and SWOT-analysis template) in order to compare, reflect and analyze the challenges and opportunities identified in your institution or department.
Use it as a source of information and inspiration regarding good policies and practices of inclusive higher education, which may support you in drafting strategic goals for inclusion (using the Inclusive Higher Education Strategy Worksheet).
Access and browse the database or access and filter according to country or the challenges that your institution is facing with regard to inclusive policies, practices, or accessibility.
Gender Equality Plan (GEP)
- Keywords: Gender equality, Monitoring
The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) has developed a guide to gender equality in academia and research organizations to support policy makers and all relevant institutions in their efforts to make equality between women and men a reality for all.
Link- Policy
- EU
Inclusive and connected higher education
- Keywords: Financial support, Students with disabilities
HE should correspond to Europe’s social and democratic challenges. Making HE systems inclusive and connected to society requires providing the right conditions for students of different backgrounds to succeed. This goes beyond the question of providing financial support to disadvantaged groups, although this is important for those from low-income backgrounds. The website gives an overview about what the EU has done so far to support inclusive and connected HE.
Link- Policy
- EU
Flexible Learning Pathways in Higher Education: Finland’s country case study for the IIEP-UNESCO SDG4 project in 2018–2021
- Keywords: Collaboration, Financial support, Inclusive teaching and learning
The IIEP-UNESCO research project, 2018–2021, includes an international baseline survey and eight country case studies from different regions around the world. This report presents findings from the Finnish national case study. The overarching objective for this national case study was to provide a holistic picture of flexible learning pathways in Finnish higher education, a topic of national interest. The case study offers evidence-based policy recommendations for the Ministry of Education and Culture and higher education institutions to further develop policies, regulatory frameworks, instruments and practices to support flexible learning pathways.
Link- Policy
- International
Romanian Secondary Education Project - ROSE
- Keywords: Students support
ROSE is a project aiming at reducing dropout in upper secondary and tertiary education, and increasing retention and success rates to secure a smooth transition to HE. The project focuses on a variety of solutions, from students support and teachers training, to revision of upper secondary curriculum and exams and development of partnerships between schools, universities and the labour market.This project was funded by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to Romania and coordinated by the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research.
Link- Policy
- Romania
Regulation of study loans for studies in Latvia which are guaranteed from the state resources
- Keywords: Financial support, Students with disabilities
Students whose academic achievements are not as high as to earn a study place which is paid by the state can ask for loan. People who have I or II group disability do not have to pay back the study loan. This applies also in cases if the student is classified with I or II group disability after starting to pay back the loan. According to Disability Law, group I disability is if the ability to work is from 80 to 100 very severe disability, and group II disability is if the ability to work is in the amount of 60 to 79 severe disability.
Link- Policy
- Latvia
ANOSR position and amendments on the National Strategy for Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction for the period 2021-2027
- Keywords: Financial support, Students support, Students with disabilities
This document was developed by the National Association of Student Organizations in Romania, the national federation representing rights and interests of students in Romania at national and international level, and present students’ vision and amendments to the proposal for the National Strategy for Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction for the period 2021-2027 – focusing in particular on higher education.
Link- Policy
- Romania