The Inclusive Higher Education Database consists of 47 examples and information about inclusive policies and practices in higher education institutions in Europe.
Use it together with the assessment, reflection and analysis tools (e.g. the Checklist, Canvas and SWOT-analysis template) in order to compare, reflect and analyze the challenges and opportunities identified in your institution or department.
Use it as a source of information and inspiration regarding good policies and practices of inclusive higher education, which may support you in drafting strategic goals for inclusion (using the Inclusive Higher Education Strategy Worksheet).
Access and browse the database or access and filter according to country or the challenges that your institution is facing with regard to inclusive policies, practices, or accessibility.
Social Inclusion Policies in Higher Education: Evidence from the EU
- Keywords: Accessibility, Financial support
This report reviews and analyses policies promoting access, participation, and completion of HE by students from underrepresented groups, such as low socio-economic backgrounds, ethnic minorities, migrants and refugees across the EU.
Link- Policy
- EU
Integrating Asylum Seekers and Refugees into Higher Education in Europe – National Policies and Measures
- Keywords: Financial support, Monitoring
This Eurydice report seeks to explore policies and measures implemented at the national level across the EU to promote the integration of asylum seekers and refugees into HE.
Link- Policy
- EU
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in European Higher Education Institutions. Results from the INVITED project
- Keywords: Collaboration, Inclusive teaching and learning
The report presents a broad picture with data from 159 higher education institutions in 36 European systems. It shows different institutional strategies and measures and analyses success factors, challenges and needs for support to build institutional capacity. It is of interest to university leaders and managers developing their institutional strategy, staff charged with implementation, researchers and students interested in the topic, as well as policy makers and administrators at European and national levels as they develop new policies for higher education and research.
Link- Policy
- EU
The European Higher Education Area in 2018 – Bologna Process Implementation report
- Keywords: Collaboration, Inclusive teaching and learning
State of play of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) since the Yerevan Conference in 2015. The Yerevan Communiqué has put a specific focus on social inclusion, which is one of the key topics addressed in the report. The report points out global trends in social inclusion in HE, points out lacks and suggests possible actions for improvements.
Link- Policy
- EU
10 ways to increase the impact of diversity policies in Higher Education: Policy Recommendations
- Keywords: Financial support, Monitoring
This policy document is a synthesis of a report produced by the E+ project HE4U2 (Integrating cultural diversity in Higher Education), coordinated by eucen in the years 2016-2018, analysing current European, national and institutional policies that make provision for the integration of cultural diversity in Higher Education (HE). It is addressed to policy makers, institutions and staff of HE, and formulates 10 recommendations on how to better integrate cultural diversity practices which are grounded in research and from consultations with stakeholders and policy makers.
Link- Policy
- Transnational/EU
Study on the impact of admission systems on higher education outcomes
This study explores the impact of admission systems on higher education outcomes. It especially considers the effect on social inclusion or “equity”, taking into account several aspects such as age, gender, socio-economic background, etc.) and formulates a number of recommendations to secure more inclusive, efficient and effective admission systems.
Link- Policy
- EU