Accessibility Tools

Inclusive Higher Education SWOT-analysis

Tool description

The Inclusive Higher Education SWOT-analysis template provides a tool for strategic planning and exploration of your higher education institution’s internal and external environment with regard to inclusion.

The analysis includes identifying current strengths and weaknesses, as well as future opportunities, and threats.

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How to use it

  • First use the checklist to identify the state of inclusive policies and practices at your institution as well as the Inclusive Higher Education Canvas to reflect on the results and ways forward.
  • Access the Inclusive Higher Education SWOT-template and decide on the objective. Perform a SWOT analysis of inclusive policies and practices for your entire institution or a specific target group, policy or practice of your institution.
  • Document the current strengths and weaknesses, as well as the key opportunities and challenges that need to be addressed in the Inclusive Higher Education SWOT-analysis template. Use the Inclusive Higher Education Strategy template to establish priorities from the SWOT-analysis.
  • It may also be used as a stand alone quick assessment of current and potential inclusive policies and/or practices.